Minority Ethnic Victim Support Service (MEVSS)

The Minority Ethnic Victim Support Service (MEVSS) supports victims of crime to navigate the criminal justice system, improve their health and wellbeing and rebuild their lives, with a particular focus on reducing social isolation.


The service is for people who have been affected by crime, whether directly, as a family member or as a community member. For example, a minority ethnic adult who becomes isolated at home because a crime was committed directly against them or a family member or because crime is happening in their local area and this makes them reluctant to go out.


It does not matter what the crime is, where and when it took place, how the person was affected or whether or not it has been reported.


This project provides advice / information / activities / signposting / referrals through:


  • workshops on victims’ rights, accessing support and issues arising because of the impact of crime
  • one-to-one advice and information appointments
  • Chai & Chatter (an in-person peer befriending group)
  • a gardening group
  • Zoom Café (one-to-one wellbeing calls, with the option of an online peer
    befriending group)
  • the MEVSS Information Station (an outreach initiative)


We are also a Third Party Reporting Centre, meaning that victims and witnesses of crime can report a crime through us rather than directly to the police. We can identify whether there are any Third Party Reporting Centres in a person’s local area if they would prefer.


Over the past year...

service users were supported through this project
community members were provided with information through social media platforms, newsletters and diverse projects
0 +
wellbeing activities have been delivered
0 +


“The session helps a lot in me knowing about what I am entitled to, my rights and how I can report it.”

"Thank you so much - it's the first time anyone has done anything like this to help me."

"Thank you so much and I am very happy I was able to make the class. I learnt so much within that short period of time. I consider myself lucky meeting you today. Your warmness is very much appreciated. I will love to be part of these projects…I need all the support I can get really."

Want to find out more?

Advice and Information

For advice, information and reporting, please contact us via the form below, or give us a call on 0141 337 6626.

Contact Us


For advice, please contact us via the form below, or give us a call on 0141 337 6626.

Contact Us

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